Gai Jatra
Gai Jatra means gai is cow and jatra is procession of cow , generally it falls in the month of Bhadra which correspond to english calender month of August / September . This year Gai Jatra is on August 27 Monday 2018 , the festival of cow is the most popular festival in Nepal . It is said people in ancient time start worshiping Yamaraj ," the god of death on this day . However the morden form of celebration of Gai Jatra came in into existence in the medieval period of Nepal during the region of Malla king . The present form of Gai Jatra with humorous , act , parody , comedy and then was started by then king of kathmandu Pratap Malla he made Rani pokhari pond in the heart of kathmandu and build a temple in the middle of the same pond . ...